Everyone in the Twelfth Century Was Named Matilda

Matilda time

Why? Don't worry about it

Matilda time
  • Empress Matilda, 1102-1167, daughter of
  • Matilda of Scotland, 1080-1118
  • Matilda of Scotland was also known as "Good Queen Maud"
  • More importantly she was born Edith but this made everyone uncomfortable so she later changed it to Matilda to fit in
  • Also Empress Matilda's sister, Matilda of Perche, d. 1120
  • Also Empress Matilda's other sister Matilda, duchess of Brittany
  • Also Empress Matilda's other sister Matilda, Matilda of Montivilliers
  • And who could forget Matilda of Rethel
  • All of these Matildas were contemporary
  • So if you were an Anglo-Norman or even a Germanic power of any importance odds were very good that you might be at a party with that one Matilda you like and that one Matilda you can't stand
  • Also there was Matilda of Carinthia, d. 1161
  • One of her daughters was, you won't believe this, also named Matilda
  • Not just Matilda but Matilda of Perche
  • Do not confuse Matilda of Perche, daughter of Matilda of Carinthia, with Matilda of Perche, daughter of Matilda-formerly-Edith of Scotland
  • These are two different Matildas of Perche
  • Both of their mothers were also named Matilda
  • And they were both Countesses of Perche, but in between Matildas there was a Countess Adela and Hawise
  • Also the second Matilda of Perche (d. 1184) had a sister-in-law named Matilda of Saxony (d. 1210)
  • Who was named Richenza at birth but later changed it to Matilda to put everybody at their ease
  • If you want to get ahead in the 12th century, strictly be Matilda
  • Whose mother was Matilda of England, Duchess of Saxony, 1156-1189
  • And was herself named after her grandmother Empress Matilda
  • Also distantly related to Matilda of Ortenburg, 1180-1231
  • Also distantly related to Matilda of Vohburg, d. 1138
  • And hey
  • Let's not overlook Matilda of Tuscany, 1046-1115
  • "The Great Matilda"
  • I almost don't want to tell you what her mother's name was
  • (It was Matilda of Swabia)
  • Welcome to the 12th Century, here is your name tag. It says Matilda
  • You gotta give the people what they want and what the people want is More Matildas
  • You know what they used to call Italy before it was Italy?
  • "Terre Matildiche"
  • That means "Matilda land"
  • I have not made that up
  • Top o' the Matilda to ye, as we say in these parts

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