Welcome Back, Dear Businesslady!

A woman rests her forehead on her laptop.
Photo by Andrea Piacquadio via Pexels.

The Billfold and The Toast's work advice columnist is here to help.

The Stopgap has a banner piece of news for you on this normal Monday. Courtney C. W. Guerra, aka the internet work advice columnist Businesslady, is back!

Businesslady (as I like to call Courtney, though she has a name) helped out many a reader of The Billfold and The Toast with all kinds of questions about the world of work. She's one of those rare and fascinating triple threats, the professional who understands a ton of different work environments, the ins and outs of the creative/delinquent's soul, and the politics of the deranged rat race that the vast majority of us have no choice but to skitter around.

A few gems from the back catalog include:

So. You've got questions, and we've got Courtney.

Submit your professional quandary to her at DearBusinesslady@gmail.com and we can really get this all-hands of the mind started.