The Best Lines About Félicette, The French Astronaut Cat, Ranked By Poignancy, Glory, and Whimsy

Cat ascending
Cat ascending


"While some non-human animals which traveled in space were celebrated as heroes...more than 50 years after her mission there was no monument for Félicette."


"Félicette was a stray Parisian cat who is the only cat to have been launched into space."


"The cats had electrodes implanted onto their skulls so their neurological activity could be monitored throughout the flight."


"Félicette was one of 14 female cats trained for spaceflight."


"Brazilian Army colonel Manuel dos Santos Lage planned to launch a cat named Flamengo aboard the Félix I rocket on 1 January 1959, but the flight was cancelled over ethical concerns regarding the use of a cat."


"Most of the data from the mission were of good quality, and Félicette survived the flight..."


"...but was euthanized two months later for the examination of her brain."


"In 1963, Centre d'Enseignement et de Recherches de Médecine Aéronautique purchased 14 cats from a pet dealer for the testing, with the individual animals selected based on their temperament; all of the cats were female, for their calmer demeanor."


"The cats were unnamed prior to the launch to reduce the likelihood that the scientists would become attached to them."

Glorious/People Are Always Choosing Me For Missions For The Same Reasons

"Weighing in at 2.5 kilograms (5.5 lb), C 341 was selected as the best of the six finalists due to her calm demeanor and appropriate weight."


"Two microphones, one on her chest and one on the nose cone of the rocket, monitored her breathing."


"The cat was subjected to five minutes of weightlessness."


"Electrical shocks were administered to C 341 at a higher rate than intended."


"C 341 was recovered safely, and the mission made her the first cat to reach space."


"One cat's health was deteriorating after the electrode surgery, so the scientists had them removed. The group adopted her as their mascot and gave her the name Scoubidou, as she had a scoubidou braid around her neck, a popular style at the time."


"Félicette's flight was much less popular than other spaceflights at the time."

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