You're Filthy, I Am Not Your Mother By The Way, and No One Likes You: The Meanest Things Everyone Says To Enkidu In The Epic of Gilgamesh

"Enkidu, you do not know how to live. I will show you Gilgamesh – look at him, gaze at his face...He has mightier strength than you."
"Enkidu, it is your wrong thoughts you must change!"
"Enkidu has no father or mother. His shaggy hair, no one cuts. He was born in the wilderness. No one raised him."
"Enkidu the Mighty, you are not of my womb."
"Enkidu! Son of a fish! You do not even know your own father...When you were still young I saw you, but I did not go over to you."
"Let Enkidu die, but Gilgamesh must not die!"
"Now you are afraid of death – what has become of your bold strength? I will go in front of you, and your mouth can call out: 'Go on closer, do not be afraid!' Should I fall, I will have established my fame."
"Why do you utter improper things?"
"Your lips are buzzing like flies."
"A maggot fell out of his nose. I was terrified by his appearance."
"The issue of my friend Enkidu oppresses me."
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