Wrecks, Ranked

Géricault's La Balsa de la Medusa
Géricault's La Balsa de la Medusa
  1. Edmund Fitzgerald
  2. White Ship
  3. Uluburun
  4. Of the Medusa
  5. Mary Rose
  6. Khufu ship
  7. Of the Hesperus (poem)
  8. At Nemi
  9. That colossal
  10. Of the Hesperus (Pleasure Island ride)
  11. Casserole (it's pretty good)
  12. Of the Titan
  13. World Class Cru
  14. Of the Tennessee Gravy Train
  15. The Old '97
  16. Rambling, from Georgia Tech
  17. Receiver of, United Kingdom*
  18. Of the Hesperus (band)
  19. Of the Day, Anna Nalick
  20. Initiation ceremony into La Société des 40 Hommes et 8 Chevaux
  21. -It Ralph

*According to section 255 of the Merchant Shipping Act 1995, the definition of wreck includes “jetsam, flotsam, lagan and derelict found in or on the shores of the sea or any tidal water.”

Jetsam describes goods cast overboard to lighten a vessel in danger of sinking. The vessel may still perish.

Flotsam describes goods lost from a ship which has sunk or otherwise perished. Goods are recoverable because they remain afloat.

Lagan describes goods cast overboard from a ship which afterwards perishes. The goods are buoyed so they can be recovered.

Derelict describes property, whether vessel or cargo, which has been abandoned and deserted at sea by those who were in charge of it without any hope of recovering it.